Open Studios of Architecture Venice 2012



from August 25 to September 15, 2012
The nonprofit organization OSA Venice 2012 ™ invites all interested in participating in an international exhibition to coincide with the Biennale of Architecture in the city.
Host Local Studies (HS)
Guest Studies (GS)
Exhibitor (E)
Designer (D)
Contributor (C)
Partner (P)
Partner Media (PM)
Sponsor (S)
Other proposals call for ideas (IC)


del 25 de Agosto al 15 de Septiembre 2012

La organización sin animo de lucro OSA Venecia 2012™ convoca a todos los interesados en participar en una Exposición Internacional coincidiendo con la Bienal de Arquitectura en dicha ciudad .


Estudios locales Host (HS)

Estudios Invitado (GS)

Expositor (E)

Diseñador (D)

Colaborador (C)

Partner (P)

Partner Media (PM)

Patrocinador (S)

Otras propuestas en concurso de ideas (IC)


dal 25 agosto al 15 SETTEMBRE 2012
L’organizzazione no-profit OSA Venezia 2012 ™ invita tutti interessati a partecipare ad una mostra internazionale in concomitanza con la Biennale di Architettura della città.
Host studi locali (HS)
Studi ospiti (GS)
Espositore (E)
Designer (D)
Contributore (C)
Partner (P)
Media partner (PM)
Sponsor (S)
Altre proposte invito a presentare idee (IC)

Exhibition of artistic aspects of the Project

a.- Good practices.

b.- Theories, applied science innovation or transdisciplinary manner.

c.- Video or any other format or interactive multimedia.

d.- Work-shops or any kind of event that can serve to complement the exhibition.

e.- Concluding Meeting of work to serve as a legacy to the city of Venice, for that purpose will establish the foundations of argument through the Scientific Committee on the same date to be communicated to participants upon acceptance.
f.- Products, innovation, materials, services, new concepts, learning …

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