Amateur Architecture Studio


Decay of a dom, 2010

Wood, made specially for the Biennale de Venecia 2010, 10 meters long, 8 meters wide, 4.2 meters high

Decay of a dome- una estructura ligera al estilo de las cúpulas de Fuller en versión china. Lo característico de esta instalación es que no es necesario muchas mano de obra  en su construcción. Su gran mérito ha sido construir un proyecto de estructura, ligera, móvil y extremadamente simple.

China, 1963
lives and works in Hangzhou, China

© Amateur Architecture Studio


Design Philosophy

I design a house instead of a building. The house is the amateur architecture approach to the infinitely spontaneous order.
Built spontaneously, illegally and temporarily, amateur architecture is equal to professional architecture. But amateur architecture is just not significant.
One problem of professional architecture is, that it thinks too much of a building. A house, which is close to our simple and trivial life, is more fundamental than architecture. Before becoming an architect, I was only a literati. Architecture is part time work to me. For one place, humanity is more important than architecture while simple handicraft is more important than technology.
The attitude of amateur architecture, – though first of all being an attitude towards a critical experimental building process -, can have more entire and fundamental meaning than professional architecture. For me, any building activity without comprehensive thoughtfulness will be insignificant.

NOW Interviews

Wang Shu interviewed by Hans Ulrich Obrist at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2010. Produced by the Institute of the 21st Century with support from ForYourArt, The Kayne Foundation, Brenda R. Potter, Catharine and Jeffrey Soros

L’installazione di Amateur Architecture Studio (Wang Shu, Vito Bertin, Lu WenYu), Decay of a Dome, è una struttura molto leggera con forma simile ai duomi occidentali. Ma il suo principio costruttivo richiama quello degli edifici tradizionali cinesi: niente fondamenta per non danneggiare il terreno; un numero minimo di componenti; e l’uso dei più semplici principi costruttivi.

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