
El Parc des Ateliers en Arles desarrollará un parque temático con propósitos múltiples culturales, creando un campus y un jardín publico en el centro de la ciudad y proveyendo múltiples infraestructuras para actividades y exposiciones además de actividades formativas y facilidades y residencia a artistas.

La exposición, creación , estudio y preservación de la fotografía y las imágenes en movimiento serán el corazón del proyecto. Mientras que la educación, creatividad e innovación, transmisión de información profesional y interacción social serán las esenciales características del Parc des Ateliers.



Parc Des Ateliers Masterplan

The masterplan explores advanced sustainable approaches to site planning and design.

Pedestrian movement—and interaction between elements of the Parc des Ateliers and the City of Arles—will be promoted by lush landscaping throughout the site. These rich gardens will mitigate the impact of the Mistral, and water—an ever-present element of the

Camargue—will be integrated throughout the site.

Four buildings gathered around a garden courtyard form the LUMA Foundation Campus: the Mécanique Générale, the Grande Halle, the Forges, and the LUMA Foundation building.

Over the past year many schemes for the design of the LUMA Foundation have been developed and discussed. The current models are a work-in-progress.

The LUMA Foundation is “a collection of parts as film is a collection of cut scenes.” The Foundation will act as an incubator for the arts and as a field station for the moving image.

The programming and architecture of LUMA allow for improvisation, providing a variety of opportunities for interaction and exchange. Designed as a permanent think-tank, LUMA will at times host international cross-disciplinary encounters in the form of conferences and ongoing discussion groups.


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En la presentación estaban parte de las maquetas experimentales realizadas por Ghery para llevar a cavo el proyecto. El acto conto con la presencia de Kazuyo Sejima.

+Información en Jmmag

En la foto final Frank O Ghery con el editor de CREACTIVISTAS, Jmmag.

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NOW Interviews

Frank Gehry interviewed by Hans Ulrich Obrist at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2010. Produced by the Institute of the 21st Century with support from ForYourArt, The Kayne Foundation, Brenda R. Potter, Catherine and Jeffrey Soros

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