Crossing: Dialogues for Emergency Architecture

The past year National Art Museum of China hosted an exhibition entitled “Crossing: Dialogues for Emergency Architecture”
The exhibition invited 17 domestic and internationally renounced architectural team to design feasible, efficient, safe, beautiful and user-friendly emergency shelters for the victims of different natural disasters (such as earthquakes and hurricanes) and social disasters (such as epidemic diseases). By inviting international architects from different nations, the exhibition will spark a dialogue between architects across the world, and inspire more professionals to lend their talents to bettering disaster relief research and design. The exhibition also was accompanied by an international symposium, where experts and scholars at home and abroad will engage in a meaningful discussion on global disaster prevention and relief, environmental protection and reconstruction.

image courtesy rintala eggertsson architects

‘Graph’ by rintala eggertsson architects was developed for the «crossing: dialogues for emergency architecture exhibition held at NAMOC (national art museum of china)

Their concept was based on modular building blocks made from laminated wood with a textile cover that provides insulation and watherproofing. These structures are easily transportable and lightweight, allowing them to be easily assembled in disaster stricken areas.

image courtesy rintala eggertsson architects

image courtesy rintala eggertsson architects

image courtesy rintala eggertsson architects

image courtesy rintala eggertsson architects

image courtesy rintala eggertsson architects
architect: rintala eggertsson architects
client: national art museum of china
curators: zhou shu and qing pan
collaborator: central academy of fine arts / lv pinjing and fanlin
sponsors: yan xiang wei ye construction company, dalian shuanghua wood company,
norwegian ministry of foreign affairs, norwegian university of technology and science,
embassy of norway in beijing, helly hansen pro design-/construction team: sami rintala, dagur eggertsson, vibeke jenssen, yashar hanstad, magnus henriksen, andreas grantvedt gjertsen, erlend bauck sole, pasi aalto, olav fasetbru kildal,
silje strom solberg, mario vahos, alexander eriksson furunes, trond hagen hegvold, xie wei long, lin yi ting, fa feng gui ying, zhao chao, hao li yun, lu jia xing, su le tian, zhang si yu, liu ting ting, niu zhi yu, zhou teng fei, shi bing jie, li dan and kong seng gi.

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