la Biennale di Venezia 18 Collateral Events at the 13th International Architecture Exhibition


18 Collateral Events will be presented at the 13th International Architecture Exhibition titled Common Ground, directed by David Chipperfield and organized by la Biennale di Venezia chaired by Paolo Baratta. The Exhibition will open to the public from 29th August to November 25th 2012 (Preview on August, 27th-28th 2012).
The Collateral Events, selected by David Chipperfield and approved by the Biennale Board of Directors, are proposed by international organizations and institutions which organize their own exhibitions and initiatives in Venice.

50×50 VeniceGreenDream VGD 2012
Porto Marghera, Area Vega 2
From August 28th to November 25th
50×50 Venice Green Dream 2012 is the installation of a greenfield. A sort of common field that represents at the same time a system of architectural order and a process of cultivation of nature.
For coping with the urban and territorial transformations with a socio-economic and environmental approach, a change in the paradigm is required. Venice and its waterfront are an extraordinary testing field of application.
Organization: Green City Italia

A Better World
Serra dei Giardini, Castello (Viale Garibaldi)
From August 27th to November 25th
Couldn’t be anywhere else than a greenhouse. Craft and vocation are the principle. The struggle, and the fun part too, it’s the networking and the use of smooth materials and ideas producing smart energy. Then lectures, workshops, small design shows turn the venue in a hub to keep our feet touching the ground.
Organization: studio427

Archipelago Cinema by Ole Scheeren
Arsenale, Darsena Grande
August 27th and 28th
Archipelago Cinema, a floating auditorium designed by architect Ole Scheeren, osts a floating round-table discussion and the world première of the film Against All Rules by filmmaker Horst Brandenburg, presenting a profound insight into the work and philosophy of Ole Scheeren.
Organization: KT Wong Foundation

Architect / Geographer – Le Foyer de Taiwan
Palazzo delle Prigioni, Castello, 4209 (San Marco)
From August 26th to November 25th
Taiwan areas share both climatic and ecological factors, as well as a post–colonial condition and the pressures of modernization in the world of globalization. Architects’ reactions to the tropical context are as varied as the region is diverse. This is not a style but rather an approach to architecture that asks for design to be conceived in response to the needs and opportunities of a specific region, bio– and cultural diversity, micro–climatic control and technology and multidisciplinary design.
Organization: National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (NTMoFA)

Bertil Vallien – Nine Rooms
Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti, Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti, San Marco, 2847 (Campo Santo Stefano)
From August 28th to November 25th
The retrospective exhibition by Bertil Vallien highlights the strong relationship between the design aspects of Vallien’s art and the concretization of those ideas that become glass works closely related to the environment that hosts them, emphasizing the artist’s particular interest in man’s relationship with the environment, with history, with the sacred, and with time – in short, with the signs of a contemporary society.
Organization: Svensk Form

BSI Swiss Architectural Award 2007-2012
Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Castello, 5252 (Campo Santa Maria Formosa)
From September 22nd to October 7th
The event BSI Swiss Architectural Award for 2007-2012 aims to document the eponymous international award for architecture, and is divided into an exhibition and on a round table, to be attended by the winners of the first three editions, accompanied by Chairman of the Jury Mario Botta.
Organization: BSI Architectural Foundation and Fondazione Querini Stampalia

Finding Country Exhibition
Spiazzi 1, Arsenale, Castello, 3865 (Calle del Pestrin)
From August 29th to September 29th
The Finding Country Exhibition is aboriginal in origin and trajectory. It seeks a contest between the traditions of aboriginal space (country), and European space (property). The central exhibit is an 8x3m drawing of the city of Brisbane consisting of approximately 50 submissions emptying individual grids by half to reveal something lost. The challenge is to negotiate decline and find country.
Organizzation: Venti di Cultura

Il Palais Lumière di Pierre Cardin a Venezia: una scultura abitabile
Concept Créatif International Pierre Cardin, via delle Industrie, Marghera
From August 29th to November 25th
The Palais Lumière is an original building by Pierre Cardin, taking inspiration from three flowers held together by a ribbon: it is a concrete example of a "useful sculpture", in which an individual can comfortably live 24 hours a day. The large and eco-friendly structure was designed to be placed in a specific area of Venice (Porto Marghera) that has been decaying for some time now: the exhibition is intended to illustrate this extraordinary project of architecture in detail.
Organization: Concept Créatif International Pierre Cardin

Inter Cities / Intra Cities: Ghostwriting the Future
Arsenale, Castello, 2126 (Campo della Tana)
From August 27th to November 25th
In Hong Kong the notion of ‚Common Ground. is poignant: ‘One country, two systems’. Does Hong Kong retain a different system? How does this envisage the involvement of citizens in shaping their future? The Oval Partnership will focus on proposals for South East Kowloon.
As curators, the Oval Partnership will act as ghostwriters, inviting exhibitors to speculate on the past, present and future inhabitants as a way of re-framing pre-existing and new work.
Organization: The Hong Kong Institute of Architects and Hong Kong Arts Development Council

Life Between Buildings
Fondazione Giorgio Cini, San Giorgio Maggiore Island
From August 27th to November 25th
The Louisiana Museum of Modern Art presents an installation where small narratives illustrate Jan Gehl’s visions. A large circular screen enables the visitors to step into the architect’s universe. It is about creating places where people can meet, about bringing life to the city, about how we conceive the quality of that life.
Organization: Louisiana Museum of Modern Art

Novecento – Architetture e città nella Regione del Veneto
Archivio Progetti, Università IUAV di Venezia, Cotonificio Veneziano, Dorsoduro, 2196
From October 25th to November 23rd
The census of the twentieth-century architecture in Veneto is a collective study promoted by the Regione del Veneto in order to carry out the new PTRC (Regional Territorial Coordination Plan). Over 2,000 buildings and urban systems have been registered.
Organization: Vicepresidenza della Regione del Veneto e Assessorato al Territorio, Cultura e Affari Generali, Direzione Pianificazione Territoriale e Strategica, Direzione Attività Culturali e Spettacolo

Programmare l’arte. Olivetti e le Neoavanguardie cinetiche
Negozio Olivetti, Piazza San Marco, 101
From August 30th to October 14th
The exhibition is intended to re-stage the one held in 1962 and the artists will be those of Gruppo T (Anceschi, Boriani, Colombo, De Vecchi, Varisco) and Gruppo Enne (Biasi, Chiggio, Costa, Landi, Massironi), alongside Munari, Mari and Alviani. On show will be the publicity material produced by Olivetti, the photographs by Dondero, the film produced for the occasion and interviews with artists and intellectuals.
Organization: FAI Fondo Ambiente Italiano

Salon Suisse
Palazzo Trevisan degli Ulivi, Dorsoduro, 810 (Campo Sant’ Agnese)
From August 28th to September 1st; from October 16th to 20th; from November 20th to 24th
Salon Suisse will stage a series of discussions and events open to all, in which practitioners and commentators consider questions defining theory and practice in architecture today.
This open discussion forum will consider issues raised by Swiss architectural culture to throw a perspective on the shared ‚Common Ground. of architecture. Evenings will offer stimulating thought, mixed with wit and pleasure.
Organization: Pro Helvetia Swiss Arts Council

The Way of Enthusiasts
Casa dei Tre Oci, Giudecca 43
From August 26th to November 25th
The exhibition features the spatial commentaries made by Russian artists through the last decades and use the urban and architectural material as a parallel narrative to contextualize and depict patterns, which lay behind the shift from Soviet to capitalist and post-ideological society.
Organization: V-A-C Foundation

Traces of Centuries & Future Steps
Palazzo Bembo, San Marco, 4793 (Riva del Carbon)
From August 29th to November 25th
This exhibition presents 60 architects from 6 continents, representing 26 countries, brought together in an extraordinary combination. It shows current developments and thoughts in international architecture.
Organization: GlobalArtAffairs Foundation

Viagem sem programa
Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Castello, 5252 (Campo Santa Maria Formosa)
From August 29th to November 10th
The exhibition aims at exploring Siza’s extraordinary eidetic memory and underscores the power of the drawings (chiefly portraits) created during his youth, his many trips abroad for work purposes, recent dinner parties with friends and moments ‚free from the burden of work. populated with memoirs, views and ironical stances accumulated with the passing of time. They all contribute to giving form to his way of living and conceiving life.
Organization: Medicina Mentis – Associazione Culturale

Vogadors/Architectural Rowers. Catalan & Balearic Threads
Hard Materiality for a Permeable Architecture
Castello, 40 (San Pietro di Castello)
From August 29th to November 25th
Rowing: in a difficult environment for architecture, in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands has been born a new generation of architects who are trying to navigate the turbulent waters to find its way towards the future, but at the same time with a conspiratorial look to the past.
Organization: Institut Ramon Llull

YAA -Young Arab Architects
Ca’ASI, Cannaregio, 6024 (Campiello Santa Maria Nova)
From August 28th to October 4th
The YAA – Young Arab Architects competition focuses on young architects who come from the 21 member countries of the Arab league. The exhibition at CA’ASI shows visions for the future by generations who will have to redefine tomorrow’s space and how the different cultures are able to draw a ‚Common Ground..
Organization: Associazione Ca’ ASI

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